Rebuilding Macroeconomics is a research network structured around a concept of Research Hubs. Each Hub addresses a specific “real world” macroeconomic issue, chosen after extensive consultation with academics and the public. Hubs are settings for scholars and practitioners to explore and learn from each other, and to consider possible new methods of investigation.
We have six Research Hubs that will provide a setting for scholars, policymakers and practitioners to coalesce around a substantive macroeconomic policy question.
We have designed each hub to exploit the potential for new policy-relevant ideas that can flow from interdisciplinary engagement. There may be traditional and heterodox economists, practitioners and policymakers as well as a range of academics from different branches of psychology, anthropology, sociology, neuroscience, economic history, political science, biology and physics. Hubs will issue calls for pilot research projects to be funded by the Rebuilding Macroeconomics network. Hubs will have sufficient resources to fund innovative and risky research ideas.