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Welcome to the Rebuild Macro Blog
Stories and articles made for people who want to rebuild.

What Is Money Today? Legal and Economic Perspectives
Rosa Lastra, Jason Grant Allen and Michael Kumhof - Money today is different to money even a decade ago. The use of cash is declining and m
Jun 26, 20194 min read

Do Central Bankers use Economic Analysis?
Beatrice Cherrier - Economists have recently exhibited considerable anxiety regarding their influence on policy-makers and citiz...
May 28, 20193 min read

Who Leads the Change in Macro-Prudential Thinking?
Matthias Thiemann
What is the role of applied economists working in central banks and international organizations?
May 13, 20193 min read

Labour without energy is a corpse; capital without energy is a sculpture
Professor Steve Keen - With the simple insight that “labour without energy is a corpse, and capital without energy is a sculpture...
May 7, 20194 min read

Welcome to the Age of Anxiety
Sayantan Ghosal, Marcus Miller, Leaza McSorley & Ekkehard Ernst - Once again, the people of Britain are living in interesting times; and...
Apr 26, 20194 min read

Why Europe is Drifting Apart and What to do About it
Claudius Gräbner - The Eurozone, once celebrated as a ‘convergence mechanism’, has instead experienced economic
Apr 15, 20194 min read

How Do We Come to Empathise With Distant Others?
Alice Evans - How do we come to empathise with distant others: not just feel sorrow for their suffering...
Apr 8, 20193 min read

Henrietta Moore - The CIA use the term “blowback” to refer to the unintended consequences of an operation
Apr 1, 20193 min read

Including Human Interaction in Macroeconomics
Maxim Gusev and Dimitri Kroujiline - Macroeconomic models rarely make explicit how people actually interact. When this
Mar 25, 20193 min read

When Does One of the Central Ideas in Economic Theory Work?
Marco Pangallo, Torsten Heinrich, J Doyne Farmer - The concept of equilibrium is central to economics. It is one of the core assumptions...
Feb 22, 20194 min read

Financial Regulation in Cyberspace
Ekaterina Svetlova - Rebuilding Macroeconomics’ Finance Hub held its second workshop to discuss the interdisciplinary approaches to finan...
Feb 13, 20193 min read

But Why are Economies Stable?
Robert MacKay & Marcus Miller ---The question posed for the Rebuilding Macroeconomics’ Instability Hub is “Why are economies...
Feb 11, 20193 min read

Globalisation and Labour Share
Pawel Bukowski - According to the Karabarbounis and Neiman (2014) the global labour share of output fell from 65% in 1980 to 59% in 2012.
Jan 28, 20193 min read

Minsky Was a Shadow Banker
Daniela Gabor, Yannis Dafermos, Jo Michell - How did shadow banking contribute to the global financial crisis? Is a stable shadow ban...
Jan 22, 20193 min read

What Drives Specialisation?
Isabella Weber - Globalisation has coincided with specialisation and wealth accumulation on unprecedented scales. By bringing togethe...
Jan 7, 20193 min read

Women in Economics: Why it Matters – Part II
Carolina Alves - Some may think that the gender balance in economics is fine and gradually improving. Yet the proportion of women in eco
Dec 19, 20184 min read

Women in Economics: Why it Matters – Part I
Carolina Alves & Gavin Hassall - Rebuilding Macroeconomics (RM) hosted its Women in Economics event at NIESR recently, as part of the...
Dec 19, 20183 min read

Noisy Brains & Unsettled Markets
Nick Chater - Noise is one of the most striking and ubiquitous properties of the human brain. Each individual brain cell, or neuron,
Nov 30, 20183 min read

Do Expectations Drive Big Events?
Michael Hatcher - A key distinction between economies and physical systems, like the weather, is that economies consist of individuals who
Nov 15, 20184 min read

Central Banking: When Communication is the Policy
The psychological and behavioural economics literatures have had a transformative impact on how we understand people’s financial and persona
Nov 13, 20184 min read

Financial Resilience
Ekaterina Svetlova - Why ‘financial resilience’ rather than ‘financial stability’? We believe that resilience shows greater appreciation
Nov 5, 20183 min read

Bringing Psychology & Social Sciences into Macroeconomics: Summary
Rebuilding Macroeconomics held its first annual conference at HM Treasury, bringing together perspectives from anthropology, maths, neur...
Oct 24, 20185 min read

Social Cooperation & Economic Performance
Paul Collier & Dennis J. Snower - The social foundations of our economies are being tested. Fragmentation – by class, race, ethnicity...
Oct 8, 20184 min read

An Introduction to the Finance Hub
Ekaterina Svetlova - Since the Global Financial Crisis, there has been a growing movement to reconsider the tools and methods used by the...
Aug 10, 20184 min read
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